What Are The Values Associated With Bitrate Using I2C.NET?

I need to be able to set the I2C bitrate between 100000 and 110000, but I get an invlaid master.bitrate when I run the MasterExample.cs code with anything other than 100000. What are all the possible I2C bitrates? Why are they not the same as those used in I2C Studio?
The possible values for the bitrate depend on the used telos I2C Interface. The possible values can be determined using the “HardwareInfo” object, which can be received using the Board.HardwareInfoOfOpenBoard property.
All bitrates are stored in the master_sampling_rate array list (see documentation of I2C.NET API)
I am using telos Tracii XL 2.0. There is no documentation for the master_sampling_rate that came with the I2C Studio. There is just this code sample:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation
HardwareInfo::HardwareInfo ( )

There is no list bitrates, where can I find it?

Please go to the start menu of windows and open “Programm/I2C Studio/API/I2C.NET API”. This document describes the complete API. Simply search for “master_sampling_rate” in the documentation.